Service Learning
Every grade will have the opportunity to take part in an effective service-learning project that meets an authentic need in their community. Our students develop strong decision-making and problem-solving capabilities within the project that fosters a sense of ownership. Aspen Academy students are involved with the following service learning experiences:
Pre-K focuses on kindness and completes many projects throughout the year. They organize a time to pick up litter around the school, make bird feeders for the playground, make recyclable bags to help with ocean pollution and collect coats for Coats of Colorado, pajamas for the homeless and they make dog toys for the Dumb Friends League. They donate the collected money to the Dumb Friends League.
Kindergarten will be working on a School Yard Habitats Certification. They will be partnering with in Boulder to learn about sustainable gardening and pollinators. Students will also participate in planting perennials and annuals in the school gardens as needed; they help keep the playground clean of trash and woodchips.
1st Grade is focusing on a generations project. They will be forming relationships with residents at a local nursing home through a pen pal program. Their partner organization is still to be determined and will be updated here as soon as it is decided.
2nd Grade researches water consumption in Colorado, studies the implications of clean, safe water not being accessible to everyone, and determines possible solutions. They will be partnering with the High Line Canal Conservancy.
3rd Grade will be focusing on animal welfare for their project. They will be partnering with the Denver Dumb Friends League, taking a field trip there and learning about how they can help find homes for animals in need.
4th Grade is focusing on the concept of “Leave No Trace.” They will partner with Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado to learn about local conservation efforts and how everyone can do their share to protect our beautiful outdoor lands.
5th Grade is focusing on ensuring that Aspen Academy continues to be a US Department of Education Green Ribbon School designee. The three pillars of a Green Ribbon School are 1. Reducing environmental impacts; 2. Improving health and wellness; and 3. Offering effective environmental and sustainability education.
6th Grade is focusing on Veterans this year, hosting a Veteran’s Day breakfast in November, and they will find a partner organization to help make a difference in the lives of those who have served our country.
7th Grade is learning all about water scarcity for their project. They will be bringing in speakers from various organizations and partnering with a local organization that will be determined soon!
8th Grade students will learn about food insecurity and how this directly affects our local community. They will be partnering with Meals on Wheels, Safe Outdoor Spaces (SOS) and Project Angel Heart
Recent Service Learning
Marianne Roe
Third graders experienced an exciting presentation on raptors and respect for wildlife through HawkQuest this week.
Rachel Adkins
As we embark on Service Learning Partner Days and Service Learning Project Days, 8th Grade is leading the way in "Making the World Better." Learn more in this blog by Rachel Adkins.
Maureen Mullen
Our service learning model at Aspen Academy strives to develop our students' level of engagement in our school community, our local neighborhoods, and our larger society. In simple terms, we live our value of making the world better.