

Aspen Academy is excited to announce we're now using SPARK curriculum for our fitness classes, one of the world's most evidence-based physical education and physical activity programs, dedicated to improving children's health since 1989. Thoroughly researched by the National Institute of Health, SPARK is the only program that positively effects students' activity levels in and out of class, physical fitness, sports skills, and academic achievement.

The focus of SPARK is the development of healthy lifestyles, motor skills, movement knowledge, and social & personal skills. The goal is that SPARK participants will:

  1. Enjoy and seek out physical activity (beyond just fitness classes)

  2. Develop and maintain acceptable levels of physical fitness (healthy bodies for life).

  3. Develop a variety of basic movement and manipulative skills so they will experience success and feel comfortable during present and future physical activity pursuits.

  4. Develop the ability to get along with others in movement environments (e.g., share space and equipment, employ the “golden rule” of competition: be a good sport and demonstrate cooperative behavior).



kids playing outside