Tuition and Fees
Making a commitment to your child's foundation in education is admirable and exciting. This page shares numbers, yet the work we do is with humans. We'd love to have a conversation about you and your needs, and how we might be a great fit for your family.
Our application deadline for financial aid is January 15. Click here to apply. Unfortunately, we're unable to offer financial aid for Pre-Kindergarten enrollments at this time. More information here.)
Financial Aid
Through generous gifts to our Annual Fund, financial aid at Aspen Academy is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need to students in Kindergarten-8th grade.
Aspen Academy utilizes a confidential online service to process financial aid applications. Recommendations from that service become guidelines for financial aid decisions. Aid is limited to 50% of tuition. Contact us via email or call us 303-346-3500 to learn more.
Maybe you’re looking for a private kindergarten or private elementary school, to give your student a strong foundation in their early education. Maybe you’re exploring private middle school alternatives for your student. Whatever your situation, there are some creative ways to pay for private school tuition that you may want to consider.
At Aspen Academy, we are committed to creating a community we love being around. Our families come from over 40 zip codes around the Denver-area, and represent different needs. For some families, we’re pleased to offer financial aid in support of their being at Aspen Academy. Learn eight insights about our financial aid program in this article by co-founder and Business Officer, Lynda Sailor.